Imagine Yourself Podcast

Staying Centered in Times of Crisis (w/Guest Kelli Center of Centered Living Counseling & Coaching)

Imagine Yourself Podcast Season 2 Episode 1

We are all looking for ways to make sense of what’s going on in our world right now. Washing our hands to stop the spread won’t solve everything. Let’s start washing and refreshing our thinking to stop the spread of overwhelming anxiety. Our guest, Kelli Center, from Centered Living Counseling and Coaching, offers much-needed advice on how to stay centered, keep the faith, and keep anxiety levels low during times of stress and times of crisis. 

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"Imagine Yourself" is hosted by Lanée Blaise and Sandy Kovach—two dynamic voices with a passion for inspiring and uplifting others. Lanée, a TV writer, producer, motivational speaker, and podcaster, brings powerful storytelling and insight. Sandy, a radio personality, voiceover artist, and podcaster, delivers warmth and wisdom with every conversation. Broadcasting from the Detroit Metro area, they welcome guests from around the world to share valuable perspectives on health, career growth, faith, and personal transformation. Tune in and imagine the possibilities for your life!

Sandy Kovach  [00:00:00]:
Through hard times and happy times, we at Imagine Yourself want to be here for you and we open season 2 in the midst of one of the most challenging times we've faced as individuals, as a nation, and as a world. We hope you'll find this episode comforting and helpful.

Lanée Blaise [00:00:18]:
Anyone who needs a word of encouragement during this particularly sensitive time, we welcome you to imagine yourself a place where you can take a deep exhale and just fill your mind with things that lift you rather than deplete you. So we just wanna thank you right up front. Thank you for joining us for season 2 of Imagine Yourself. I'm Lanee.

Sandy Kovach  [00:00:42]:
And this is Sandy, and I don't have to wonder what we're imagining today, Lanae.

Lanée Blaise [00:00:47]:
Honey, I tell you, today's episode, overall, it is really just our way of strengthening ourselves from the inside out. We're gonna tell you all loud and clear. Imagine yourself staying centered and we have a guest named Kelli Center.

Sandy Kovach  [00:01:04]:
Oh, I like what you did there.

Lanée Blaise [00:01:06]:
You like that? Kelli Center is the owner of Centered Living Counseling and Coaching Services. She has been highlighted in Psychology Today. She has been featured as a contributor in an amazing book that Sandy and I have both read called On Purpose Practical Strategies to Live Your Best Life. And, Kelli, I tell you, we need someone just like you in times like this. We are so grateful to have your insight today, my dear. Yeah. Thank you for joining here.

Sandy Kovach  [00:01:38]:
Yes. So, Kelly, this is unprecedented, what we're going through, obviously Yeah. And can cause unprecedented worry and anxiety among the strongest of us all. So what is the first, recommendation you have for us?

Kelli Center [00:01:53]:
The first recommendation I have, honestly well, I guess the very first thing I would say is to breathe. Breathe? And calm down. Take a step back and breathe. We have to do that because it's very easy to go from being calm to a sense of panic and hysteria. So, when talking about anxiety, I think it's so important to be able to first recognize what you're experiencing. We say buzzwords like anxiety and depression, and we use it so often now, which is great. It's great that we're talking about our mental health and our mental wellness, but I think it's also important to be able to identify when you are experiencing that. So that's something that I always work with people, is being able to identify when you are experiencing anxiety.

Kelli Center [00:02:35]:
So I ask my clients, how do you know it's anxiety? Tell me what you feel in your body. Because there's such a disconnect between our mind and our body because we're moving so fast.

Lanée Blaise [00:02:44]:
Do you think sometimes people even try to say that they're fine? It because the word fine

Lanée Blaise [00:02:51]:
Is is a is a weird word. Fine. Do you have do you feel that you sometimes have to dig a little deeper to even get like you said, when they're feeling it in their body and maybe trying to overcome it, how do you get them to recognize the problem and then be able to work with it?

Kelli Center [00:03:07]:
Yeah. You know, we have our automated responses. Yeah. So, you know, I bring a lot of my personality. I say, are you really? But are you really fine? And, usually, that's when I get the no. I'm not. So sometimes to help people connect it, I ask them to tell me how this anxiety or what they're feeling is affecting them in various areas of their life. Tell me how it's impacting you at home, at work, in your personal relationships with your kids.

Kelli Center [00:03:31]:
You see your, sleep and all of that, and that helps to connect the dots too.

Sandy Kovach  [00:03:36]:
So in this time with the coronavirus, and we don't even hardly know what to expect day to day, And that I think that's a cause for anxiety in a lot of people. So it goes even beyond typical anxiety. So people are probably asking you as a professional day to day. Maybe even your friends are asking you, Kelli, how do I deal with this? How do I talk to my kids about this?

Kelli Center [00:04:02]:
Yeah. And also my colleagues. Like, you know, we we have talks amongst ourselves about managing our own anxiety. You know? I was in Costco recently, and, obviously, everyone's going to the store. Yes. And going back to the whole, you know, mind body connection, what we're thinking and feeling, and how that may manifest with us either behaviorally or even just physiologically. So physically symptoms and things that we can't control, like racing heart and sweating palms. So I'm in Costco, and I'm heading towards where the water and toilet paper should be.

Kelli Center [00:04:33]:
This was, like, last week before. It was, like, pure pandemonium. And, there's a Costco employee screaming to the top of her lungs. Only 2 cases of water per member, and we are out of toilet paper. And she's doing this over and over. And Oh my gosh. I mean, panic arose in me. Before I knew it, I'm, like, grabbing the industrial sized toilet paper that's, like, in the public restroom and the 5,000 pack of napkins for the public bathroom.

Kelli Center [00:05:02]:
And I literally had to, like, calm myself down and use the skills that I teach my clients. I'm like, you need to stop. You need to breathe. Think rationally. You can go to another store. You're not even gonna use this one ply toilet paper. If you're really came to it, you would. But do you need this? And I had to talk myself off the ledge to put it back.

Kelli Center [00:05:21]:
So I think, again, 1, because I talk about this topic so much, I was able to recognize the signs within my physical body to say, woah, woah, woah. I need to take a second and stop what I'm doing. Don't rush towards these supplies and buying all of this stuff. So, again, that mind body connection is super important, but we also have to be mindful. I like to say that we throw our anxiety around, and that would be an example of someone throwing her anxiety around. She's probably stressed herself, and so she's passing that on. We want it off of us. It's a icky feeling.

Kelli Center [00:05:53]:
I'm gonna throw it, scream yell, you know, whatever. Road rage is how it shows up as well. And that's my way of getting this feeling off of me, and now I'm kinda passing the buck to you.

Lanée Blaise [00:06:02]:
I think that's why we thought this would be such an important episode because just like we talk about contagious with diseases, but you're saying that this anxiety is becoming contagious and she's like you said, the one lady, she's passing it to others, and we want to do the opposite. We want to make sure that in the midst of that, we're passing some, passing along some Peace. Peace.

Sandy Kovach  [00:06:26]:
Yes. We're passing literally passing the peace.

Lanée Blaise [00:06:29]:
Yes. So that we can help balance. So that even though we know that there are definitely things out there that we need to be prepared for, we help balance out that panic.

Sandy Kovach  [00:06:38]:
And the toilet paper phenomenon, and you touched on that a little bit. It seems to have only gotten worse. And, you know, you see the memes on social media making fun of it. But yet, like you said, you're in Costco, and name your store if the toilet paper shelves are gone. What is it? Is it the need that we wanna feel prepared or in control if we're quarantined?

Kelli Center [00:06:59]:
Absolutely. One of the tips I share is to focus on what's in your control. And I think that people are grasping for that is something that's in their control. There were all these jokes, and I did it too. You know? I went for cleaning supplies and toilet paper and paper towels first. And then days later, I'm like, oh, I need food. Uh-huh.

Lanée Blaise [00:07:18]:
Who knew that toilet paper would be the commodity of the year?

Kelli Center [00:07:23]:
That and hand sanitizer. Yeah.

Sandy Kovach  [00:07:24]:
Hand sanitizer, I get. But Yeah.

Lanée Blaise [00:07:26]:
Yeah. But the toilet is just wow. Wow. Wow. Wow. You go from I I saw I did see a meme that I just loved. My son had had a a person with a watch and some AirPods and like some cool stilettos and it's like this was flexing in 2019. And then it has another person with a roll of toilet paper and some and says, this is flexing in 2020.

Sandy Kovach  [00:07:49]:
I haven't seen that. I love it.

Kelli Center [00:07:51]:
I love it. That is so funny.

Lanée Blaise [00:07:53]:
So we do need to maybe laugh at something. Like, the memes, maybe they have their place as well and, you know, to kinda lift Yeah. Some of the tension.

Sandy Kovach  [00:08:02]:
So would that be one of your tips too, Kelly, is use humor like that? I mean, do you encourage people to share the funny posts? And I don't think it's making light of the situation.

Kelli Center [00:08:12]:
You know, I've been doing it on my personal page, my personal social media for my friends and family because we need to laugh. We need to have a bit of comedic relief. And, also, we need to just show compassion. Like, another obviously, I I live near a Costco, so all my stories at Costco's in there. Okay. Go ahead. That's good.

Sandy Kovach  [00:08:31]:
We like Costco stories. So

Kelli Center [00:08:34]:
so, I was leaving Costco and gotten to just a small conversation with someone parked next to me talking about preparing and, you know, all of these other things. But it was such, like, a lighthearted conversation that I feel like a week or so ago, I was in a store and people weren't looking at each other. It was, like, mad dash to get to the items first, but to see that I think sometimes crisis can do this. Let me say that.

Sandy Kovach  [00:08:59]:
Crisis can definitely unite us. And as we do stay strong, we also wanna remember that there are a lot of people who are devastated by this either because of the illness itself for health reasons or economically. But if you're fortunate enough to just be someone who has to stay home, that doesn't mean you don't have the anxiety and the issues, and there are certainly other things that come with that.

Kelli Center [00:09:25]:
We have to focus on what matters. So now that we have our food and our toilet paper, now we can say, okay, I'll survive. Now let me be human. It's been so nice to see people smiling again at one another going to the store or having a conversation about, you know, how we'll survive the next few weeks. The humanity, in my area anyway, is starting to show up. And I say in my area because I have friends in other parts of the country, and I I see that they're probably a week behind.

Sandy Kovach  [00:09:55]:
They're where am I? Well, you were in Atlanta. So Atlanta is ahead of the curve on this?

Kelli Center [00:09:58]:
Just a little bit. Yeah. We're far.

Lanée Blaise [00:10:01]:
You're making me think that this everything and if you try really hard to find a silver lining. I wonder if this could possibly serve as a reset for humans to understand that the whole world is being impacted by the same thing. And that, we aren't control of so many things right now, but what we can be in control of, like you said, is a conversation, a smile. And maybe all this time that we lots of people are doing self isolation and self quarantine or working from home. Can we maybe take time to reflect on our blessings and our family and our friends and things that we may have taken for granted? Because we are usually so busy. And I bet you there's gonna be some slow, not so busy times coming up soon.

Sandy Kovach  [00:10:51]:
And reaching out to other people virtually, of course, to check on them and see if there's anything you can do for them. And at the same time, you, like Lanee just said, reflect on your blessings and remember what you do have to still be grateful for. And try to think about that more than we're thinking about what might be causing anxiousness.

Kelli Center [00:11:12]:
You know, that's honestly what has helped me. One of the things that I do tell people is you do have to control your thought life. So that's a part of recognizing your thought life.

Kelli Center [00:11:20]:
What are you telling yourself? Right? So we have to watch what we're consuming, and that means what we're watching, listening to, sometimes who we're talking to. Because as I know that if if I could be anywhere on a scale of 1 to 10, I could be anywhere from a 3 to a 8 from hour to hour with anxiety. I've really gotta watch what is making my anxiety rise. Who is making my anxiety rise? So stepping away from, you know, be informed, but don't be inundated with it that you're just so consumed. Anxiety is fear based, and it's fight or flight. Oh, no. You know, I either need to run from the lion or bear or fight the lion or bear. It's the impeding doom that's coming.

Kelli Center [00:11:57]:
And the impeding doom for us now is this coronavirus. So we can fight serious fact that we're safe, we're in our home. And beyond that, now we can move to the next step of showing gratitude, being thankful for our family, for safety if we have it, showing compassion to those that are maybe less fortunate, smiling to one another, having friendly conversations, and moving through it. Because at the end of the day, that's all that we can do right now.

Sandy Kovach  [00:12:20]:
And I have to say that when I was shopping the other day so Detroit, we're in the nice bubble, I think, or at least my experience.

Lanée Blaise [00:12:07]:

Sandy Kovach  [00:12:27]:
I was at Trader Joe's, but this is the funny part. It's the end of the world as we know it came over the music system from REM. I know. I heard it was, like, charting again because everybody's downloading it on Itunes. But, obviously but people were very nice and smiling. And I remember seeing, like, okay, there's only so many bananas left. And it my temptation was, okay. I gotta have all the bananas.

Sandy Kovach  [00:12:49]:
Like, no, Sandy. You don't have to have all the bananas. Please leave some bananas. So and I think people are doing that. I mean, sure, you you see that some people are jerks and especially because we have to be concerned with our elderly and making sure they have supplies. But I think overall, aside from the toilet paper, people aren't have been pretty good.

Lanée Blaise [00:13:09]:
Yeah. All of this It's all how about this? All of this came pretty brand new to me because I was telling Sandy how I was so excited. I was going on vacation back in we left it near the beginning of March, and this is the part 2 where we I'm starting to realize really and truly we're all in this together. It is a global thing. But when I left on my trip, everything was kind of in China and in Asia and I was thinking, well, you know, hopefully this will work itself out, things like that. Sandy and Kelli, do you know, I went with my husband to Barbados for a wonderful anniversary week and we were swimming in the beach and smiling in the sun and laughing and our phones weren't really connected to work. The television, we didn't have any news. We're just frolicking.

Sandy Kovach  [00:13:59]:
You're frolicking. And everybody else is, like, looking for toilet paper.

Lanée Blaise [00:14:02]:
Exactly. And when we came back, everything hit so fast. And like Sandy said, everything is kind of changing minute to minute, day to day. And I really did try to hold myself together. And sometimes, I don't know if this is a a good therapy practice or not, Kelli, but I would just tell my husband, let's just stop for just a second and just pretend like we're back in on the beach again real quick and just kind of get our minds back level and centered and focused. And then, you know, take a good deep breath, breathe a good deep breath before we act or get rash or rush out or get crazy because that's when all of the other people were email. You gotta do this. You gotta do that.

Lanée Blaise [00:14:47]:
Okay. But we can take our time a little bit. Just catch our breath and breathe first and pray a little bit too. I had to just kinda sit and and pray and get still with that as well because we don't need extra people freaking out.

Sandy Kovach  [00:15:03]:
No. That's true. And as parents, you know, we have to be a good model for kids because they're gonna remember this, and they're gonna see how we handle this. Right, Kelli?

Kelli Center [00:15:12]:
Absolutely. They are. They're watching, and it's important. What you're talking about is self care. Like, as you're talking, like, that's a visualization exercise.

Lanée Blaise [00:15:20]:
Nope. Yes. Put it professionally.

Kelli Center [00:15:22]:
Of self care. Yeah.

Lanée Blaise [00:15:23]:
Because It's a form

Kelli Center [00:15:24]:
of self care. Right? So we talk about prayer, meditation, quieting our mind. We talk about making sure, obviously, that we get sleep, having that attitude of gratitude, moving from a place of calmness. Those are all things that we want our kids to do, and that we teach them when they're little. It's just we get older, and then we forget, and we throw it out the window. But we just tell our kids to stop, breathe. What are you trying to say? So we just need to practice those things again.

Lanée Blaise [00:15:51]:
And we will have plenty of time to practice those things because many with the schoolchildren home from school and with, spouses home that aren't always used to being in each other's faces for, you know, for longer periods of time. I do like the idea of Lanee everybody in the household we take, you know, at least every day take 5,

Lanée Blaise [00:16:11]:
you know, just something to just settle down quiet because I don't want people to get angry with one another while they're cooped up together when you've got your kids. Luckily, you can still go outside. They can still go outside and play. Yeah.

Sandy Kovach  [00:16:23]:
It's not like you're stuck in your house. Yeah.

Kelli Center [00:16:25]:

Sandy Kovach  [00:16:26]:
So, okay. Kelly, you talked about the basic things about centering and meditating. Mhmm. Anything else you can share that you're telling your clients who I'm assuming you're meeting online now?

Kelli Center [00:16:38]:
Absolutely. And I've switched to virtually only. I always offer virtual counseling as well. But I'm having those appointments with people, going over the basics of again, it's taking a step back, and I do a lot of training on recognizing the anxiety in your body on three levels. Your thought life, what your physical responses, and behavioral changes, because those will help you to then know what you're responding to, and you can change your response. With that, it's a lot of it is a thought life, what we're telling ourselves, what's going on in our mind. You know, even though we're not always talking, we're always thinking. So a lot of it is managing those thought lives.

Kelli Center [00:17:13]:
We can fight negative thoughts with positive affirmations. So teaching people how to create positive affirmations and tell themselves positive things instead of dwelling on the negative, focusing on what you're consuming, focusing on the fact of it, of what's going on, you know, being community, not isolating yourself. So like you said, spending time with family and friends. I'm really hoping to play some board games with my son that we don't normally get to play. You know? And just that self care. So looking I really think it's so important though for us to take a step back and take time to reconnect with our friends and family. This is just a a unique time. It's scary, but it's like we monitor what we're telling ourself when the fear rises up.

Kelli Center [00:17:54]:
Identify the fear. So what are you afraid of? Obviously, you're afraid of running out of toilet paper. Yeah. The truth of that matter is if you're in a home with running water and soap, you can wash yourself. Like, we forget these things. What did we do before? Yeah. So I think just identifying what it is that you're afraid of and what is a natural response or answer to that. Because once we have a response to that, we can kind of quiet our mind and quiet the fear.

Kelli Center [00:18:20]:
Because, again, the whole point of anxiety is really to it's a protection. We don't see it that way, but it is. Have you guys ever seen the movie Inside Out?

Lanée Blaise [00:18:29]:
No. Oh, that's the animated show. Yes. Yes. Where the the different emotions are kind of competing with, how they're gonna handle this young lady's party.

Kelli Center [00:18:39]:
Yes. Oh my gosh. Okay.

Sandy Kovach  [00:18:41]:
So is that a kid's

Kelli Center [00:18:41]:
show? Movie. It's a kids' movie. But adults love it. Monday. Okay. Yes. I use it all the time to explain emotions and trauma. I think it's a did such a great job.

Kelli Center [00:18:52]:
They had a lot of neurologists working on that. This is a good time to watch it with your family, but you'll see the different emotions. There's joy, sadness, anger, disgust, and fear. And they all play a part in keeping us safe and healthy and whole, and we can't do without 1 or the other. But they all need to be managed, and they all have their proper place. So it's not a bad thing, but it can be consuming, and it can turn into a negative if it goes unchecked and unaddressed. So Yeah. If you're feeling that anxiety come up, what is it that I always say ask yourself, what is it that I'm afraid of? And then what's the truth of how I could really handle that if it did come up? And then move on from it.

Kelli Center [00:19:34]:
When that comes back up, you remind yourself of the truth and not focus on the fear. We just want the feeling to go away so bad that we don't try to find solutions. We just try to find a Band Aid.

Sandy Kovach  [00:19:45]:
Like, we want the circumstance to change or numb ourselves.

Kelli Center [00:19:48]:
Feelings to go away. Yeah. Mhmm. Exactly.

Sandy Kovach  [00:19:51]:
Let me ask you this, Kelli. Because I'm on the radio, and one of the things I do on my show is give people words of encouragement. Because like you said, you know, you don't wanna constantly consume you need to stay informed. You need to pay attention to the news. But if you're always in that fear zone

Kelli Center [00:20:09]:
you know?

Sandy Kovach  [00:20:09]:
But I don't wanna tell people either. Hey. Don't worry. It's all cool. Because

Kelli Center [00:20:13]:
Right. Right.

Sandy Kovach  [00:20:14]:
Some of the worry is normal.

Kelli Center [00:20:16]:
But Valid. Yeah.

Sandy Kovach  [00:20:18]:
Yeah. If you could say, Sandy, tell your listeners this. What would you say? Or and and we're speaking to our entire podcast audience right now.

Kelli Center [00:20:25]:
Yeah. I think it's so very important, though, during this time to, again, focus on what you're telling yourself. So stay in the moment. Sometimes we have to quiet the noise. We want to be informed. We have to have a balance of being informed, but also quieting the noise around you. So monitoring what you're telling yourself. Focus on what's in your control, and we fight fear with facts.

Kelli Center [00:20:52]:
So whether it's the truth or the fact of the matter, and remember to take care of yourself and others.

Sandy Kovach  [00:20:57]:
Yeah. I think that's beautifully put.

Lanée Blaise [00:20:58]:
I love it. You have me thinking I'm I would like to since I'll be home a lot, do more journaling and kind of writing these affirmations and counting my blessings and actually writing them out and focus on some of the good things that we do have. And like you said, practical things like making sure that we have even things like And then everything else that I cannot control, I'm not gonna sit in front of the television for hours at a time. I'm gonna take a few little snippets and then take a little break away from it and then kinda go within and do some positive affirmations, build myself and my kids and my family back up and, you know, check-in on my parents and Mhmm. All that good stuff too.

Kelli Center [00:21:49]:
Yeah. And if you feel anxiety rising, however you feel it because, again, that's I know sometimes in in crisis, it's harder to do the deeper work. But I think, also, when we're home, this is time to you can still meet with your counselors. All many of us are still doing virtual sessions. So you can still meet with your counselor and have someone help you recognize anxiety, teach you the skills on how you personally experience them so that you can manage those emotions because we need to work on managing our emotions so that we can help our children and our spouses be able to manage their emotions as well. But monitor, you know, pay attention to your what you're thinking. That's gonna really tell you. If you feel anxiety rising up, I'm immediately gonna ask you, what are you thinking about? Because that's where it comes from.

Kelli Center [00:22:35]:
When when our mouths are cold, our brains are running a mile a minute. And a lot of times, we're going over these worst case scenarios, and it dredges up fear and anxiety.

Sandy Kovach  [00:22:43]:
The worst case scenarios. Yeah.

Kelli Center [00:22:45]:

Sandy Kovach  [00:22:46]:
So, Kelli, before we wrap up, I wanna give everybody your information because, obviously, if you're doing virtual counseling, you can really give counseling to anyone. Right?

Kelli Center [00:22:56]:
Yes. I can.

Sandy Kovach  [00:22:57]:
Like, do it do you do it via Skype, or how do you usually do it?

Kelli Center [00:23:00]:
There's a a HIPAA compliant software I use called Doxy. So it's really simple. People can use it from their phone or their computer. But they would just contact me to find out those details. I'm licensed in 2 states, Arizona as well as Georgia, so people can use their insurance in those states. Other folks, I am doing some coaching discounts right now too. So I have Great. A $50 session just because I know everyone's impacted financially right now as well.

Kelli Center [00:23:26]:
So I wanna make it affordable while we're in this stuff. I you know, what do we call it? Social distancing.

Sandy Kovach  [00:23:31]:
Social distancing, the word of 2020.

Kelli Center [00:23:33]:
Yeah. Yeah.

Lanée Blaise [00:23:35]:
Even though I'm grateful that you said to to keep in mind for those out there who need actual counseling because a lot of these things like we're talking about, we can do on our own. But if we get to that point that we are not able to do it on our own I love that you mentioned the fact that if you already have a therapist, many of the therapists have made it very simple to do virtual counseling and the fact that you also are offering your services too. Of course, everyone at Imagine Yourself hopefully knows that you can go on our website,, and we have the links so that way you'd be able to see, go directly to Kelli Center's website. It's just like you said, good to know that there is hope out there and that there are people there for us, professional people there for us along with, you know, just neighbors and and friends and family.

Sandy Kovach  [00:24:24]:
And how easy is it to do this? This might be even easier than walking into a therapist's office. That's a good point too. Yeah.

Lanée Blaise [00:24:31]:
Yeah. If you're first team.

Kelli Center [00:24:32]:
You know what? I have plenty of clients who live locally and still prefer to do it, because sometimes the worst part is, you know, the worst part for people is picking up the phone, honestly. And after that, sometimes coming in for that first session. But I've just had clients tell me that they can do it from their home, from their bed, their comfortable spot on the couch. It just makes it a lot easier. All you need is a phone, an Internet connection, or computer, an earphone. Really simple.

Lanée Blaise [00:24:59]:
Really simple.

Sandy Kovach  [00:25:00]:
Very cool. So maybe this will even increase people reaching out. Yeah. And people will start using technology because we're gonna be very dependent on all this now for a while.

Kelli Center [00:25:10]:
We will be.

Lanée Blaise [00:25:11]:
Yeah. Even though we still need human connection and interaction, this is this is a good way to do that too. I know you mentioned the thoughts. This is just something that I always try so hard to remember. It's one of my favorite bible verses, but it just says, finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true and noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is excellent or praiseworthy, think about such things. I just love the fact that you really have me concentrating on my thought life and I just had not done that before the thought life. I think that's super important. Yeah.

Lanée Blaise [00:25:49]:
We always have a time during the session to call takeaway time. And I really just wanna make sure that all of our listeners know this episode was truly designed with care in mind. We really wanted to reach out to to someone who could, you know, give us great insight. We're not just gonna tell you to wash your hands because you already know that, and we're not gonna tell you to just you know, all these detailed things about coronavirus. We were so much more interested in getting people to instead of just protecting their their hands and and their coughing stuff, protect their heart, protect their mind, protect your spirit. Throughout all of this, just know that we are in this all together. You can stay centered in the midst of this. This was really just something that we wanted to do.

Lanée Blaise [00:26:35]:
Is there anything else that you wanted to have us take away with as we part?

Kelli Center [00:26:40]:
Well, you know, I think the things that we talked about was really great. I also have I did a YouTube video, actually, you know, a little bit ago. I'm gonna start recirculating as well regarding anxiety. So just a a link that people can go to, it's just tips, and we'll make sure you guys have that. And then, again, those virtual counseling sessions. But all of that information is on that link. You guys can reach out. We can talk about scheduling appointments and getting you more centered.

Sandy Kovach  [00:27:12]:
Yeah. More centered with Kelli Center. And I love that. And we'll put that all on our website too, and maybe we'll even embed the video onto our blog page just to make it super easy and put all your information because, we're gonna need people like Kelly, especially. Yeah. And she's just a click away. So thank you for coming or coming virtually.

Lanée Blaise [00:27:35]:
Yeah. That's true.

Kelli Center [00:27:35]:
Isn't that the joy of technology? Thank you for having me.

Sandy Kovach  [00:27:39]:
Well, stay safe, Kelli.

Kelli Center [00:27:40]:
Thank you. You too.

Lanée Blaise [00:27:41]:
Yeah. We thank you again overall in this situation and at all times. Please imagine yourself staying centered.

Sandy Kovach  [00:27:50]:
Thanks for listening. We'd love your feedback. Go to imagine yourself to send us an email or connect with us on social media. Take care of yourself and join us again next time when we'll have something new to imagine.