Imagine Yourself Podcast

How Sharing Your Life Story Inspires Others

January 27, 2024 Imagine Yourself Podcast Season 5 Episode 22

We all have a story to tell and sharing it can inspire others in ways we may not realize. Sometimes, it's easy to downplay the significance of our own stories in the grand scheme of things, but the truth is, your story matters. It holds weight not only for you but for those around you and, believe it or not, for the world at large. God uses both our struggles and triumphs to help other people. You never know the difference you could make, and the ripple effects it can have. 

This episode serves as a reminder to seek out opportunities to be inspired by those around us while embracing our potential to be a source of encouragement for others, no matter our own circumstances. Click play to hear more, and we’ll even include a few awesome stories that we’ve heard recently. 

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Imagine Yourself is hosted by Lanée Blaise and Sandy Kovach. Lanée is a TV writer and producer, motivational speaker and podcaster. Sandy is a radio personality, voiceover artist and podcaster. They come to you from the Detroit Metro area and invite guests from all over the world to help encourage you in your health, career, faith journey and more!

Sandy Kovach  [00:00:03]:
Watching TV, reading a book, checking out viral videos, the world is filled with stories. But what about your story? You know, it can be a source of inspiration and encouragement to others, whether it's in person, virtually or in writing - to a big audience, small group, just 1 person. Your story matters, and that's what we're talking about today. We hope you'll be inspired by the stories you hear, and that will encourage you to tell your story. Welcome to imagine yourself podcast where we help you imagine the next chapter of life with grace, gratitude, courage, and faith.

Lanée Blaise [00:00:40]:
Thank you for listening in today to Imagine Yourself podcast. I'm Lanee here with Sandy. And today, we are talking about what a blessing it can be when you share your story or when you listen to someone else's story Sandy you feel encouragement Washing all over you in such a beautiful, uplifting way. Here at imagine yourself podcast, Sandy and I have for the past Over 5 years, really dug into reaching out to other guests so that they can share their stories and their insight and their wisdom. Many times we share our own personal stories. We really just do it all in the hopes that when you listen to someone else's story Sandy what they're going through, whether it's good or bad, many times, You can see yourself in it. You can be encouraged by it, and it can take your day or your life in a totally new direction, an upward direction, and that is why we do what we do here. We want to imagine ourselves being bolder Sandy better and healthier and wiser Sandy more faith filled, and we just wanted to dedicate an entire episode to that Because we're put on this earth by God to be a blessing to others, and we just wanted to highlight that And make sure that we know that is so special.

Lanée Blaise [00:02:08]:
We don't want to let cynicism or negativity devour us. Suffering. You know, here, Sandy, what are you thinking about all all this?

Sandy Kovach  [00:02:17]:
So yeah. I mean, in our last episode with Toni Kennedy, you can even tell by the title "moving beyond this whole past" that she shared her story, which, many parts of it were negative, to help encourage other people. She didn't just share the negative parts, but, of course, how she was helped by god and other people through that. And god does use other people and other people's stories Sandy, oftentime, some other people's pain. So you never know. And you you think, you know, what do I have to offer? You don't know who you're gonna be encouraging, and you don't have to be a podcaster or, you know, a writer or anything else to share your story. You could be just sharing with your next sore neighbor.

Lanée Blaise [00:03:00]:
There really is a power in all of that. This world is a lot smaller than we sometimes think. And you like you said, you never know who you're gonna end up encouraging or who you're gonna learn from, what you're gonna take away from things. There are so many lessons in this life and so many ways to redirect everything. We've learned too from this podcast That there are guests and even listeners who are from all over the country, all over the world. And many times they we we had 1 listener recently who commented that she loves the fact that we're not in her regular circle of folks. And we're giving information and giving tips and giving encouragement in ways that she would not have received In her regular group, in her regular flow. And I just love that.

Lanée Blaise [00:03:58]:
I feel like, you know, You really end up living out your purpose when you are speaking your truth. And and, of course, it's gotta be in a safe space. It's gotta be, you know, the right timing right people, but it when you when it hits just right, we really end up finding value in what we have to offer. And the other part too is I truly believe that God smiles upon us when we are Turning out to be a light bearer for others Sandy showing them that you're not alone, that many times This is temporary that there are ways to to get out of the tunnel and get back onto the other side of the light. And so that's what we try to do. And we have we even have a listener who recently wrote to us. Sandy, I'll let you take it away because she Really encouraged me as far as she's been through so many things herself, and she's starting to find joy in the little things, and she just recently discovered imagine yourself podcast, and she is kinda enjoying the ride even though she's going through a lot Of hard circumstances. Yeah.

Sandy Kovach  [00:05:13]:
Her name is Francine. And just by what I have been able to glean from some of her notes, she has gone through a lot and gone through a lot very recently, and she did give me permission to use her name and her comments. And, you know, she's been through breast cancer recently. She's been through the loss of her husband. And most recently, the loss of her mom, and she said, that happened just over Christmas, and that is kind of a few weeks later when she discovered Imagine Yourself. And she says, every podcast speaks to a different part of me. Thanks for all the great guests, encouragement, finding peace, and scripture at my fingertips In every podcast, you have no idea how finding you just since 1st of the year is molding me. What a blessing.

Sandy Kovach  [00:06:01]:
And she is the same lady that said we're not usually in her same circle. We're here in a suburb of Detroit over in the Midwest, and I'm not sure exactly where Francine is, but I believe it's somewhere out west. She's actually a professional horse rider. She's does horse shows, and she's won some national titles. Just an amazing person, and I don't know how she came across us exactly. But we both agreed when we were exchanging notes that There is no such thing as a coincidence. It's just God being anonymous, and so we feel like God connected us with each other. She gave us a lot of encouragement just by saying, you know, hey.

Sandy Kovach  [00:06:40]:
What you're doing is making a difference, and just also by sharing her story. And then maybe in the future, you know, she'll be on the podcast and, you know, share her story entirely because she's got a very interesting things more interesting things to tell us and encourage us with. So it just really got me thinking about how whether it's on a podcast or whether it's on Facebook or whether it's in your church or in your child's school or wherever it is. You can come across somebody and literally, you know, have a huge effect on their life just by doing you.

Lanée Blaise [00:07:14]:
So true. We we learned that in the previous episode as well with Toni Kennedy. She talked so much about her Sunday school teacher And what a blessing she was that this teacher had her along with the other students in the class choose a song, a hymn that spoke to how they're supposed to help other people in this world. And she carries that with her, you know, 40 plus years later. I also shared how my Aunt Kitty, who is still alive, but I'm remembering things that she did to brighten my life When I was a little bitty girl. And you you really got me, Sandy, when you said the part about even if you're in your children's school because we talk about the children of the future Sandy molding the future and having a better world. Many times when you do things that help children, they could be so impressionable. It could be such a blessing, but just take it through all the I mean, adolescents have it tough.

Lanée Blaise [00:08:13]:
Middle age is not A cakewalk. You know? When you get when you get older, you know, and elderly, you don't want to feel left out. We're just encouraging Everyone who's listening to seek out ways to drop a little sunshine on someone else, And also have that sense of gratitude when someone comes your way and brightens what could have ordinarily been tough. Because, Here in Michigan right now, it's about negative 5 degrees, and it's snow everywhere, and it's really yucky. And I know that's not the worst of the worst thing in the world, but even just Talking to you all, listening right now, I feel better. I feel brighter, and I hope that you all do too.

Sandy Kovach  [00:09:00]:
Yeah. From cold weather, and I should mention too, your furnace has been on the fritz. So it's

Lanée Blaise [00:09:05]:
Yes. That's funny. How about the furnace decided to Conk out completely. Have to get a brand new one right in the middle of frozen tundra land here.

Sandy Kovach  [00:09:14]:
We're the frozen tundra. Forget Lambeau Field. That's we're in the middle of the frozen tundra here in Michigan. But, yeah. So and then, of course, when you you talk about someone like Francine who is going through health issues and deaths in her family, and, and I know that's happening to a lot of people. A lot of people a very hard time over the holidays. Just having someone to encourage you is priceless. And even if you're just going through a regular time in your life, listening to somebody's story of how they got through things can completely change you.

Sandy Kovach  [00:09:48]:
You might not even know if you share your story with somebody that it had a found effect unless, you know, maybe they tell you later or you might not know until the other side of, you know, life. Right? Because I and as long as your motives are good. I mean, I know it's hard sometimes when you're, let's say, trying to encourage someone that's been through something huge. A lot of times, most of what you wanna do is just listen, and you're a little bit more careful in what you share. But I think in general, our stories. And just think about listening to even in the Bible when we read about things King David has been through, or Esther, or we read about some of the other people. You know, it shapes you.

Lanée Blaise [00:10:31]:
Yeah, Sandy. Everything you just said, It was just perfect because you're right. We do have to make sure that we rejoice with those who rejoice, and we mourn with those who mourn. We don't wanna be little miss sunshine to in the wrong circumstance where it can actually, do the opposite effect, but we do want To try to hold on to a heart and a posture of looking upward, Of trusting God, of knowing that, you know, there will be trouble in this world, and we are here to comfort one another, And we are comforted by the great comforter, and that's really a big component of Imagine Yourself where we do talk about faith. We Are not trying to preach to anyone, but we do want to make sure that you at least got to hear that God loves you. God understands. God walks with us through the hard times. And many times he sends some of his other children to walk through those valleys with us also.

Lanée Blaise [00:11:37]:
And so overall, we started out talking about encouragement. We'll end this episode talking about encouragement Sandy just reminding you, imagine yourself looking around this world and finding opportunities To be inspired by others around you along with being an inspiration as well. No matter what your story, no matter what your situation, There's always somebody who can benefit.

Sandy Kovach  [00:12:06]:
Glad you could spend a few minutes with us today on Imagine Yourself, hopefully, this encouraged you to open up and be authentic with someone in telling your story, if you haven't already, whether you just want it to be to a friend or you wanna open up in a more public way. It can definitely be a help, and that help can spread to other people as well. And if you do have a story like Francine that you would wanna share with us or you just wanna drop us a note and say, this was encouraging to me, we would love to hear from you. You can do it like Francine did on our Facebook page. You can also message us through Instagram. We'd love for to drop a review or rating on the app where you're listening or just shoot us an email. You can do that through imagine yourself All the links are in the show notes